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Lezing Italiaanse ambassadeur Giorgio Novello ter gelegenheid van Dantedì

25 maart 2022, 20:00 - 21:00

Ter gelegenheid van de jaarlijkse ‘Dantedì’ (Dantedag) verzorgt de ambassadeur van Italië in Nederland, Giorgio Novello een speciale (online) voordracht voor de leden van alle Dante Alighieri verenigingen (comitati) in Nederland. De titel is: ‘Italia e Paesi Bassi sono paesi fratelli, ma non lo sanno’.

25 maart is in 2020 door de Italiaanse overheid aangewezen als ‘Dantedì’, een jaarlijkse terugkerende dag ter herinnering aan de grote Italiaanse dichter Dante Alighieri (ca. 1265 – 1321). Volgens de overlevering is Dante op deze dag begonnen aan zijn reis naar het hiernamaals in zijn meesterwerk ‘La Divina Commedia’.

De Italiaanse ambassadeur Giorgio Novello is zowel een gepassioneerd Dante-liefhebber als een enthousiast pleitbezorger van de historische en hedendaagse banden van onze landen. Ook draagt hij de vereniging Dante Alighieri en de actieve Nederlandse comitati een warm hart toe. Wij zijn erg verheugd dat hij gaarne bereid is gevonden om ter gelegenheid van Dantedì zijn visie te presenteren aan de leden van de Nederlandse comitati.

Deze online presentatie wordt gegeven in rustig uitgesproken Italiaans. Landelijk voorzitter Rob Vroom zal de ambassadeur inleiden.

Datum en tijd: vrijdag 25 maart, 20:00. Duur ca. 1 uur.

Via de volgende link kun je je inschrijven voor het webinar. Je ontvangt dan een email waarmee je het webinar kunt bekijken. Het is ook mogelijk om het webinar later te bekijken (replay).


Samenvatting (in het Engels, de lezing zelf is in het Italiaans).

When I was six year old, my teacher was a very energetic lady. She enrolled me and all my classmates in the Dante Alighieri society. It was the beginning of a love story which still continues today. During my secondary school I read every single verse of the whole Divine Comedy. In the beginning I was of course fascinated by the tragic love story of Paolo and Francesca which I learned by heart. Later on I was seduced by the story of Ulysses who dies in his attempts to reach a wider knowledge. During my university years, I focussed on the political message of the Divine Comedy. I suspect that my fascination with the political theories of Dante encouraged me to become a diplomat.

Years ago I was ambassador in Norway and I had the honour of helping establishing the northernmost committee of the society, well beyond the polar circle.  And now I have the great honour of serving as the Italian ambassador in the Netherlands. The Dutch and the Italians share incredible amounts of passions, interests, values. The Dante Alighieri committees  in the Netherlands are the perfect embodiment of this friendship between our two countries.

Indeed, Italy and the Netherlands share it a lot in the past, in the present and (I am sure) will also share a lot in the future.  wish to offer you some examples. In the past: The alliance between the Romans and the Batavians;  International law based on Roman law as suggested by de Groot; masterpieces wrote in Latin, even by scientists, such as Galilei and Huygens; the fight against the sea to reclaim land, such as in Venice and in the Dutch polders. In the present: today Italy in the Netherlands are the third and fifth largest economies of the Euro area; they are both significant trading nations; they are at the forefront of scientific research; they are both important space faring nations; they are both financially very stable countries (in different ways); they are both net contributors to the European Union. No surprise that the bilateral trade is now in excess of €40 billion a year and that both countries worked very well together during the G 20 activities of last year presided over by Italy and splitting their terms as nonpermanent members in the Security Council of the United Nations.

In the future: ample space for more cooperation in many areas such as: the upholding of human rights and the rule of international law including through the many international courts based in The Hague; strategic autonomy of the European Union including in the outer space; guidance to the new generations by raising their awareness of what our countries built after the Second World War (it is not a coincidence that the most successful programme of the European Union in youth education is called Erasmus!)

Voor het Curriculum Vitae van Giorgio Novello, zie: Ambassadeur (


25 maart 2022
20:00 - 21:00
Evenement categorie:


Dante Alighieri Nederland
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